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Meaningful, mission-driven work is no longer the sole domain of non-profits. Businesses are, now more than ever, seeing the power of having a deeper purpose and meaning in the workplace. It is not just a fad. It is the new frontier of business and part of a larger awakening occurring in all sectors of society.

The "awake organization" is motivated by a deeper and more profound meaning to its work, as it sees its goals as part of the larger human endeavor of creating a better world.  The result is more potent organizational leadership, greater inspiration and fulfillment for employees, and work that has a broader and more powerful impact in the world.

At Claristic, we can help your organization, whether a business or a non-profit, articulate the highest purpose of your work and realize how that can be expressed in your mission, strategies, goals, and daily operations.  Our offerings include:

  • Cultivating a powerful organizational purpose and vision
  • Aligning practices with values
  • Sustainability assessment and coaching
  • "Triple bottom-line" practices
  • Environmental impact assessments
  • Energy and resource efficiency 
  • Integrating social justice and social responsibility
  • Employee engagement and empowerment